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Deadline for Full Paper

modifications and Video

Presentation Submission:

19 Apr 2024

Call for Paper

We are calling for Full Papers and Abstracts for Spoken Paper, Workshop, Panel Discussion, Masterclass, Teaching Demonstration, and Digital Poster Sessions for the Malaysian Music Education Conference 2024 (MusEd’24) organized by the Malaysian Association of Music Education (MAME) from 17 - 19 May 2024. MusEd’24 is a platform for music educators, researchers, administrators, students, musicians, and industry practitioners to discuss ideas, findings, innovations and best practices relevant to the teaching and learning of music. We encourage submissions that present innovative ideas, works-in-progress or any concepts that can benefit the music education field. Primary and secondary music teachers, private music teachers, music administrators, music students, music lecturers, local and international researchers are welcome to participate. Our theme for this conference is “Sustainable Music Education”.


*Spoken Paper applicants may also submit an Abstract AND Full Paper for inclusion in the MusEd’24 Conference Proceedings Book with ISBN number. 

Submission Procedures

1. All submissions must be submitted using the online submission system provided by the conference organizer.

2. All submissions must be in English. However, presentations can be in Bahasa Melayu with slides in English. 

3. Submissions that are not presented in the required formats will not be considered. Please use the provided template for submission here.

Submission Review and Publications

1. All submissions will be peer reviewed by an appointed panel of reviewers.

2. All accepted abstracts will be published in the MusEd’24 Conference Proceedings Book with ISBN number.

3. All abstracts will be available on the MusEd’24 website before and during the conference.

Submissions are invited in the following categories:

  • Spoken paper (20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes Q&A)

  • Digital poster (5 minutes presentation + 5 minutes Q & A)

  • Workshop (50 minutes presentation + 10 minutes Q & A) 

  • Panel Discussion (50 minutes presentation + 10 minutes Q & A) 

  • Masterclass (50 minutes presentation + 10 minutes Q & A) 

  • Teaching Demonstration (50 minutes presentation + 10 minutes Q & A) 


All presentations are in pre-recorded video while Q & A are live sessions.  The presenter will need to be present during the airing of the video and the Q & A sessions. 

Submission Guidelines

Spoken Paper

  1. Spoken Papers will be allocated 25 minutes consisting of 20 minutes for the presentation (pre-recorded) and 5 minutes for Questions and Answers (Q&A) which will be conducted live.

  2. Spoken Paper submissions must conform to one of two formats: either only Abstract OR Abstract and Full Paper.


Abstracts must be in English up to 250 words in length and submitted in Word format. The Abstract should include the following 5 items:


  • Aim/focus of the project/research reported

  • Theoretical/pedagogical background of the project/research 

  • Method/approach of the project/research

  • Results and/or summary of the main ideas of the project/research

  • Conclusions and implications for music education.


The Abstract should NOT include references.


panel discussion

Panel Discussion will be allocated 60 minutes comprising of 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Questions and Answers (Q&A).  The Q & A session will be conducted live.  A Panel Discussion should comprise of no more than 4 panel members.  Each panel member must submit a 250-word abstract of his/her individual presentation based on the conference theme. 

All submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:


  • Submission in Word format must be 250 words describing what are the contents of the discussion and how the panelists will divide the time among themselves. 

  • Provide a cover letter that provides the name, email address, phone number, home address; and school name, location, address, phone, and fax numbers (if appropriate) of the panel moderator and the panel members. The cover letter should briefly describe how the presentation relates to the conference theme, and the key question(s) addressed. The cover letter and abstract of each panelist must be combined into one document and submitted once using the submission link.

  • The panel discussion should be recorded. 

  • All panel members must register for the conference.


digital poster

Abstracts for Digital Poster submissions must follow the same guidelines given for Spoken Papers. Poster format will be provided upon acceptance.



A workshop submission consists of an abstract in Word format up to 250 words in length. The abstract should clearly provide background information, the purpose of the workshop, content, method, and applications for music education. Participants may present a live or pre recorded workshop at the conference.  A workshop is expected to involve interactive and hands-on activities by the participants.



A masterclass submission consists of an abstract in Word format of 250 words in length.  The abstract should clearly provide background information, the purpose of the masterclass, content, method, and applications for music education. Sessions will be allocated 60 minutes, consisting of 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes of Questions and Answers (Q&A) which will be conducted live. Participants must record the masterclass session and submit using the submission link.


teaching demonstration

A teaching demonstration submission consists of an abstract in Word format of 250 words in length. The abstract should state the topic, purpose of the demonstration, target group for the demonstration, procedure/activity, and applications for music education. The demonstration will be allocated 60 minutes consisting of 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes of Questions and Answers (Q&A) which will be conducted live. Participants must record the teaching demonstration session and submit using the submission link.


Multiple Submissions Policy

No individual will be permitted to present in more than a total of two (2) spoken papers, posters, panel discussion, workshop, masterclass, and teaching demonstration sessions.

Submissions may address the following topics:

Post Covid-19 Music Education Issues and Solutions 


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